Since I have sent my laptop for service about three times these past six month's already, I was not happy. Anyway the clock was a little bit too late, so there were nothing else to do than go to bed. Today, when I woke up, I tried to see if I could do anything about the problem. Without luck or light I found nothing. My guess was that the battery had given up.
Once again I left it on my sofa, waiting for the time to pass by, so that we could call the service center. Time went and my girlfriend woke up, ready to call. She took out and looked at the battery where it has the model number of the laptop. Here comes the weird and funny part (and well, the relieving part); it started! Like nothing had happened!
So here I am, learnt myself a much valuable lesson, which is never to buy a brand that has bad service! Always look up how the service is before buying anything in Greece, even though it's great in your country! Thank you for taking time to read this blog! If you have a question or a request for me to write about something special happening down (or up) here in Athens, make a comment about it and I will try to write about it.
I hope you had a great st.valentine's day yesterday and continue to have a great week! // Alex
Or...Oooor...You could simply blame it on my magic fingers!!! :)